Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Biking to a Dinner Meeting

Shirley parked outside the Rockwell Power Plant Mall

Tonight (well, last night) I was invited to dinner with a couple of guys from work  (our Canadian senior budget specialist and our guest from S. Korea). Dinner was at 7:30PM and I was able to leave the office a few minutes before 6:30PM. After a few kilometers, it started to rain hard. It was my first time to get caught in the middle of a downpour while biking to a destination other than my house. Nonetheless, I was ready for this contingency. I stopped by the side of the road beneath a tree, placed my bag inside a large garbage bag, sealed the bag with a rubber band, and wore my rain coat. In less than 10 minutes I was riding again. 

In Manila, as soon as the rain pours, horrendous traffic will follow - good thing I was on my bike. I might be a little wet (the rain stopped a few minutes later) but at least I was able to go from my office to Rockwell in 30minutes (it's about 9KM away). Unfortunately, the people I was supposed to have dinner with weren't as lucky.
Eventually the two of them arrived and we had a nice dinner. Then the rain started to pour again. It was even raining when I was biking on my way home. But I dealt with the downpour in the same way I dealt with it earlier. I just wish my fenders would arrive already. Oh well, I might be a little wet but it's nothing a good towel can't handle.

Today's total ride mileage: 28.17km
Today's bike lesson: Rain is not an excuse to stop biking.

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