Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Eight Ways to Keep Safe When Biking

This is an article from Interaksyon.com. I'm re-posting this here for reasons that will be obvious when you read the article.

PARA SA MGA SIKLISTA | 8 ways to keep safe when biking
By: Tricia Aquino, InterAksyon.com

January 27, 2014 11:48 AM

“A lot of the time, road accidents happen when the cyclist or motorist is unpredictable, say he or she suddenly makes a turn,” said J. Paul Marasigan, an aficionado who used to bike to and from work every day.

Visibility is also important to keep safe on the streets, he said. At night, cyclists must have prominent blinkers and/or reflectors on their bike, body, helmet, or anywhere else that can be seen.

Before making a turn, overtaking, or changing lanes, cyclists must also look at their surroundings to make sure they are clear to go, especially when crossing.

It is also important to use hand signals to make one’s moves predictable. But a problem is that some motorists do not understand these gestures because they are not educated about this, said Marasigan.

Omi CastaƱar, another cyclist who uses the bike as his primary mode of transportation, has more advice for his peers.

1. Wear light-colored clothes.

2. Make sure there are both front and rear lights on the bike.

3. Stick to familiar routes. Avoid national roads and highways if possible.

4. Do not listen to music. It is important to hear vehicles coming from the rear, especially motorcycles

5. Avoid weaving. Ride in a straight line.

6. Do not assume that drivers can see you.

7. Do not beat traffic lights.

8. Always be ready with the brakes because some vehicles do not follow road rules.

But bicycle safety is not just the biker’s responsibility. Marasigan said that motorists must also be aware that there may be a bike in their vicinity. A common problem, he said, was how car doors would suddenly open just as a bike approached.

He advised that cyclists go a door’s length apart from vehicles they pass to avoid this.

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